PetSafe SlimCat Ball Slow Feeder Review
I chose to review the PetSafe SlimCat toy dispenser because this toy-feeder is a perfect solution to slow down your cat when eating. Feeding your cat with the Slimcat is a good choice if you need your cat to lose weight or correct bad behavior with food.
Features of PetSafe SlimCat Slow Feeder
- Toy and Feeder: A slow feeder that makes cats play and work for their food
- Capacity: Up to 2/3 cup of dry food
- Adjustable: Suitable for any cat kibble size
- Wide Top Opening: 4 inches for easy pouring
- Versatility: Works with dry food or treats
- BPA-Free Plastic
- Dimension: 3.2″ Diameter
- Color Options: Comes in Blue, Orange, Green, and Pink
- US-Based Customer Care
Is the Plastic of PetSafe SlimCat Safe?
The PetSafe SlimCat is made with FDA-approved, 05 PP grade plastic, which is a light, flexible and durable plastic that is recyclable. So you can feed your cat with confidence since it’s safe for cats of all breeds, ages, and sizes. The SlimCat is dishwasher safe on top rack for proper sanitization.
How PetSafe SlimCat Ball Slow Feeder Works
The PetSafe Slimcat Ball Slow Feeder and toy dispenser is made for your cat to play, hunt and eat, all three at the same time. The ball has a hole on it where you put 3/4 cup of dry food or less if you want the kibble more loose, then adjust the hole in the Slimcat to let one piece of food pass through easily. If you want to let more than one piece of food, you can adjust the hole a little bigger. As your cat chases and bats the PetSafe Slimcat around the room, one or more pieces of food will drop from the ball.
How to Set it Up
The PetSafe Slimcat slow feeder features a top lid with 6 small holes. You need to twist the top open and pour treats or dry cat food in it. The ball has 6 openings on the sides, 3 big ones and 3 small ones. You can choose what holes you want to use by twisting the two halves and choose the type of holes by aligning them. In order to do this, you need to unlock the tab that is located between the two halves. When unlocking this tab you can twist the two halves to adjust the sizes of the holes as well. Put the lid back on and get your cat ready to play and eat.
In the beginning it’s recommended to adjust the hole a little bigger so this way is easier for your cat to get food from the ball as it’s gets used to it. As your cat gets more expert playing with the ball, you can reduce the opening a little more. If you really want to slow down your cat from eating too fast you need to make the hole just large enough for a kibble passing though at a time.
Watch Hodge the Cat Playing and Eating with the Slimcat Ball
PetSafe Slimcat Ball as a Slow Feeder
When your cat pushes the PetSafe SlimCat ball with their nose or chases it for food, it naturally takes longer for them to finish their meal. This system helps you control how fast your cat eats. As this toy food dispenser slows your cat’s eating, it improves digestion and satisfies their inherent need to hunt. Additionally, the PetSafe SlimCat ball promotes better behavior by enriching your cat’s environment through exercise.
The SlimCat as a Toy
The PetSafe SlimCat ball also doubles as an interactive toy, providing your kitty with a fun game that stimulates them both mentally and physically. Interactive play, as highlighted by PetMD and The Humane Society, is crucial for a cat’s overall well-being, helping to reduce boredom and destructive behavior. This activity is especially beneficial if you’re looking to help your cat lose weight, as it keeps them more active and engaged.
Pros and Cons of Cat Food Ball SlimCat
- Controls Eating Speed: The product effectively slows down how fast your cat eats. Studies show that cats using this ball food dispenser take longer to finish their meals compared to eating from a traditional food bowl.
- Adjustable Design: The adjustable hole system lets you control the speed at which your cat eats and accommodates any kibble size your cat currently eats.
- Encourages Adaptation: While it may take a couple of days for your cat to get used to the dispenser, they often enjoy eating this way once they do.
- Solves Overeating Issues: A great solution for cats that gobble their food too quickly.
- Promotes Activity and Weight Loss: Keeps your cat active during mealtime, which can contribute to healthy weight loss.
- Ball Placement: While your cat enjoys playing with this toy, there’s a chance the ball might roll under couches or behind furniture, depending on where they’re playing.
- Fragile Latch: The plastic latch that locks the top is fragile, so you’ll need to handle it carefully.
In Case Your Cat Doesn’t Play
If your cat simply stares at the ball without playing with it, try encouraging him to interact with it until they get the idea. A helpful tip is to use their favorite treats to spark their interest and motivate your feline friend.
The PetSafe SlimCat is a fantastic way to keep your cat active by encouraging them to work for their food. Thousands of Amazon customer reviews highlight how effectively this toy slows down cats during feeding time. It’s especially recommended for food-driven cats that are always asking for more food. However, picky eaters or cats that aren’t food motivated might not find this toy as appealing.
Get the PetSafe SlimCat Ball Treat Dispenser in Amazon > here.
Our cat (Lucy) outsmarted it — she would roll it to a wall or the edge of the couch, and bounce it against it back and forth so it released the food pretty quickly.
Hi April, I think Lucy is one of those very smart cats that defeat treat dispensers toys. Cats are very unique and versatile creatures and some of them are very intelligent like your cat Lucy. Other cats enjoy the challenge of working for their treats so when it comes to cats you will never know until you try new things with them. I suggest you to try more complex toys with Lucy, like Trixie 5-in-1 Activity Center. or this other plate shaped toy from Nina Ottosson.
So one of our three kitties is starting to resemble a furry basketball, and has this habit of wolfing down her food so fast that she barfs it up later (it’s okay, she just eats her siblings’ food instead). I found this ball while shopping at the pet store, so I decided to try it. I’ve been spending days trying to show her that if she pushes the ball, food falls out. She loves rolling balls and pencils and bottle caps around anyways, especially at night. I figured this wouldn’t be a difficult concept for her.
Or so I thought. Sadly, I think I’ve overestimated her intelligence. She seems completely baffled by it. Thankfully, her two siblings seem amused by her incompetence, and will bat it around for her and watch her eat. Hopefully she’ll figure it out before they get bored of that.
Hopefully when the siblings stop doing it for her, she will do it for herself. That’s a very cool story :-)
By Jove, she figured it out! She finally got it! Granted, she’s headbutting the thing instead of rolling it with her paws like the others, but, still, she’s dispensing food on her own!
So there it is. If our furry little special snowflake can eventually figure out this thing out, any cat can. Here’s hoping for less barfs and a slightly less round orange cat.
Evie, that’s great news! I am so happy about it!! great accomplishment from your kitty. Thanks for sharing!!
Our cat Harley loves the ball. Only 1 problem, it’s small enough that it gets lost who-knows-where – under a couch, cabinets, in the corner, behind boxes . . . we’ve looked everywhere. Is there a larger ball on the market?
Hi Jodie, the Slimcat ball is the biggest cat treat dispenser ball I have made a review so far. All others are smaller in diameter. Your little furry friend must love the toy if he get it lost often LOL! that’s cute. I cannot think about a good idea to help you with that problem other than trying to block the areas where the ball goes permanently. I will research for a bigger ball toy and will let you know. Good luck Jodie and give Harley a little kiss in its nose from me. Thanks for sharing!
My cat is a little snob and refuses to eat off the floor. What can I do?
Hi Susan, this toy is designed for a cat to eat from the floor, if it didn’t work for your cat, I suggest trying something different.