This product is currently discontinued. The Nina Ottosson treat maze is a brightly colored and fun interactive treat toy dispenser that gives your cat a fun meal time, making your feline work to get its treats by wobbling, rocking and spinning the toy. Inside the Nina Ottosson toy there is a complex maze structure where treats or kibble need to pass through to fall out from it.
How Nina Ottosson Treat Maze Help Cats?
This treat dispenser toy is an excellent way to stimulate cats of all ages and sizes, not only physically but intellectually as well. Nina Ottosson Maze toy allows cats to spend their energy by batting and pawing at the toy, providing an excellent way to make cats active and with a sense of rewarding after working so hard to get the treats. Also, cats need to figure out the best way to move the toy in order for it to release the treats and this intellectual stimulation keeps them entertained and happy. It’s important to combat boredom in indoor cats because inactive bored cats for too long could lead to feline depression.
Features of Nina Ottosson Cat Treat Maze
- Interactive treat toy dispenser
- Nina Ottosson Treat maze is made with tough, non toxic and durable plastic.
- Supervision is needed with this toy
- It provides hours of stimulation for your pet
- Unpredictable wobble movement keeps the cat engaged ´
- Easy to clean, simply rinse with running water
- Dimensions: 7.25″ L x 2.5″ H x 9″ W
- Weight: 0.6 lbs
How Does Nina Ottosson Treat Maze Work?
The Nina Ottosson Cat Treat Maze has been designed for your cat to bat at the disk and move it so that it wobbles and spins around making the treats to drop out from the side openings.
Watch a cat getting treats from Nina Ottosson Cat Treat Maze
You can put treats in the top opening, on the sides or all compartments as well, depending on how much challenge you want for your cat. To increase the difficulty level, you can place a piece of paper towel in one of the holes of both top and bottom so that treats fall out only from one opening per side. As your cat practices, it will get the hang of how to spin the disk to make it release the treats. Nina Ottosson Cat Treat Maze is made with durable no toxic and dishwasher safe plastic. As a safety measure, the toy does not have any sharp edges.
Difficulty Level
The difficulty level of the Nina Ottosson Maze is Medium, so you may want to get this toy if your cat has previous experience using other less challenging toys. Some cats may not need to have experience with other toys and start playing right away with this unit, but this is most likely if your feline friend is very determined to get treats or kibble from the toy. This is something you won’t know until you get the Nina Ottoson Maze.
What Techniques Can Cats Use to Get The Treats?
Cats can make this toy work in different ways. While some cats bat at this toy hard against a wall or something like that, others just make sure to wobbly this toy by pawing at it or shake it until they see the treats to come out. Some cats discover they can flip the toy over to get treats to come out. Whatever the technique the cat uses, it will help him to develop a strategy which makes cats feel better, stimulating their minds.

- Treat toy dispenser that keeps your cat mentally stimulated.
- Attractive colored toy.
- Internal maze structure inside the toy that makes treats release by spinning it.
- Playing with this toy your pet increases its activity level.
- It adds fun to snack time
- Good way to make your cat work for its treats
- It is not easy for cats to get the treats to fall out from the toy.
- The toy may too large for young cats
Tips to Use This Maze Toy
- Use small treats because the opening is small.
- You have to use dry treats with this toy.
Conclusion About Nina Ottosson Treat Maze Toy
- Nina Ottosson cat treat maze toy dispenser is a great toy if you want to make your cat really work for its treats. You have to use small treats with this toy dispenser otherwise it won’t dispense treats easily and the toy may not work well. The game ideally has to be supervised.
- The cat needs to move the disk a little strong for the treats to get released, whether pawing at it strongly or playing hard with it to make it spin and release the treats.
- Nina Ottosson cat treat maze toy dispenser is a medium level difficult toy for cats.
Bottom Line
Nina Ottosson treat maze is a cool toy, but its success will depend on your cat. Your feline friend may love it or ignore it after one try. All in all, I recommend this interactive treat toy dispenser for a very food motivated and smart cat that does not give up easily.
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