As a cat owner, I didn’t know much about pet wipes, and if they are safe for cats. After researching I found Burt’s Bees Wipes which is specifically formulated for cats. So after reading the description saying that the formula was safe, with natural ingredients, I purchased it to use the wipes with my cat Sophie.
Why I Decided To Use Wipes For My Cat
My cat is always grooming herself and we brush her periodically. However, sometimes I see her fur sort of separated. Sometimes her coat looks really separated and other times it doesn’t (see pictures). This may not be a big deal but I always try to do everything to keep my cat healthy so I decided to take action. The option to bathe her was out of the question. As she hates water so much that even trying to get her to take a bath could seriously stress her to the point of causing an immune response in her, I decided to wipe her coat to see if those separation rows in her coat changed. When I purchased the Burt’s Bees wipes on Chewy’s website, I couldn’t find the list of the ingredients in the description or the pictures, but I bought the wipes anyway, trusting that they were safe. I am usually more thorough when I get stuff online, but somehow I trusted.

Burt’s Bees Wipes Ingredients
As I said, on Chewy I couldn’t find the list of ingredients in the description of the product or the pictures because were covered by the package lip. Once I got the wipes I saw the ingredients, which were the following: Water, Coco Betaine, Glycerin, Honey, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, and Colloidal Oat Flour.

The weird thing about this is if you go to the official Burt’s Bees website, they state that the ingredients are: Water, Coco Betaine, Glycerin, Honey, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Powder, Colloidal Oat Flour. Somehow the ingredient “Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Powder” is omitted from the actual package. Strange isn’t it? Also, the description of Burt’s Bees wipes on Chewy’s website mentions “Aloe vera and oatmeal moisturizes and deeply conditions dry skin”. So I find it very strange that they omitted the Aloe Vera ingredient from the package. According to Veterinary Emergency Group Aloe Vera is toxic, especially for cats. Some say that depending on the Aloe Vera part of the plant the ingredient is toxic or not, but I don’t want to find out. Live and learn they say.
How To Use Burt’s Bees Wipes For Dander
The directions of the package say: “Wipe cat from back of ears to tail, avoiding eyes. Great for spot cleaning and paw cleaning! Have fun!” My cat certainly didn’t have much fun, but we will talk about it in a second. The warning on the package say: “Keep out of reach of children and pets to avoid possible consumption. Will not wash off topical flea & tick treatment when following treatment manufacturer’s directions”.

As you can see, they warn that children and pets shouldn’t consume this product, but the directions don’t state that you need to rinse your cat after wiping their coat with these wipes. Knowing that cats lick right after putting anything on their coat, this omission is unusual. Anyway, I wiped my cat’s coat according to the directions from ears to tail, making sure no spot wasn’t cleaned. I wanted to make a difference in my cat’s coat so I did it thoroughly.
Cleaning my cat’s fur with Burt’s Bees Wipes
My Cat Reaction To Burt’s Bees Wipes
I noticed that right after wiping my cat’s coat with the wipes she started licking her fur. I didn’t like the idea but I (stupidly) didn’t think of rinsing her coat with a cloth or something as in the directions no rinsing is mentioned, plus I trusted that the wipes were safe. I was wrong, at least with my cat. I wiped my cat’s coat at about 4 pm and at about 6 pm she was acting different. Hiding and looking lethargic. The only change that day was the wipes. She was like this for two days, hiding during the whole day eating only like three or four kibble which is definitely not normal for her. Plus her cute face was not cute anymore, she looked like she was not feeling well. You will understand what I mean if you have a cat. We were really concerned and ready to make an appointment to the vet when she showed recovery symptoms on the third day. She started eating normally and coming out to the living room.
My Conclusion About Burt’s Bees Wipes For Cats
I can speak from my experience using Burt’s Bees wipes with my cat and I believe these wipes were not safe for her. My cat got sick the same day she licked the substance contained in these wipes and it took two full days for her to get better. I felt like a horrible mom to my beautiful cat Sophie. I wrote this article to help people with cats that may be sensitive to substances, my cat certainly was. The strange thing is the omission of the ingredient “Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Powder” on the package’s ingredients list. But the “Aloe vera” ingredient is mentioned on the description of the product on the official website. The lack of instructions of rinsing the cat’s fur after using these wipes it’s strange too in my opinion.
My Bottom Line About Cat Wipes
After this experience I don’t think I will be using wipes for my cat anymore. After I became aware, I researched “safest wipes for cats” online and I saw the ingredient Aloe Vera in most of them. I don’t know if that caused my cat’s reaction or not, but I don’t want to find out. For now I will just keep brushing her coat and letting her take care of her grooming. If her coat looks separated more often, I will take her to the Vet for professsional advise.
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